With the exciting debut of the Blue Box anime adaptation, fans are eager to know when they can catch new episodes. Airing as part of the Fall 2024 anime season, the series brings Kouji Miura’s beloved manga to life with its unique blend of romance, sports, and coming-of-age storytelling. You can look forward to a weekly release schedule, with new episodes dropping every Thursday. Here is a little more details about when the anime will air.
New Episodes of Blue Box are Airing Thursdays
Netflix Anime has confirmed that new episodes will drop weekly started today, October 3.
While the exact number of episodes for the Blue Box anime adaptation remains unclear, sources like IMDb suggest that viewers can expect a minimum of 12 episodes to enjoy the story. This should provide a solid introduction to the characters and their journey within the series. To stay accurately informed about release dates and any updates regarding the show, you can also follow the Anime Schedule website, which tracks upcoming episodes and keeps viewers in the loop about all your favorite series.
What is Blue Box About?
Taiki Inomata is a third-year junior high student at Eimei Academy, known for its outstanding sports program. Eager to excel, he joins the high school badminton team and makes it a point to arrive at open practices as early as possible. However, no matter how early he gets there, he always finds himself second to Chinatsu Kano, a first-year senior high student and his crush.
Chinatsu is a rising star on the basketball team, and the contrast between her popularity and Taiki’s is stark. While Taiki is a competent badminton player, he struggles to match Chinatsu’s acclaim, making it difficult for him to believe his feelings could ever be returned. But fate takes an unexpected turn when she ends up moving into Taiki’s house!
Determined to prove himself worthy of her affection, Taiki sets his sights on the same goal as Chinatsu: competing in the Nationals. Fueled by his desire to build a meaningful relationship with his new housemate, he dedicates himself to rigorous training like never before.
Valerie Anne is a Type 1 diabetic, mother, tree-hugger, self-proclaimed granola who loves a good horror story through literature, video games, and movies. She also streams art over at twitch.tv/8bitval.